Explain how remote sensing is applicable for weather forecasting.

QUESTION; Explain how remote sensing is applicable for weather forecasting. Batton (1973) “Remote sensing refers to the actuaries of obtaining information about an object by a sensor without being direct contact with it. It real in of meteorology, the information of interests includes, among other, the location and development of weather such as rainstorms, tropical cyclones, cold and warm fronts.” Paul (2006) argue that “Remote sensing is collection of data by detecting the energy that is reflected from earth. Thise sensor can be on satellite or mounted on aircraft.” According to Abdulrahaman (2010) “Remote sensing is the collection of information relating to object without being physical in contact with them.” Remote sensing is the science of obtaining information about object or areas from a distance, typically from aircraft or satellite. According to Cambridge Advance learners (2002) “Weather forecasting is application of science in technology to predict ...