Explain how remote sensing is applicable for weather forecasting.
QUESTION; Explain how remote sensing is applicable for weather forecasting.
Batton (1973) “Remote sensing
refers to the actuaries of obtaining information about an object by a sensor
without being direct contact with it. It real in of meteorology, the
information of interests includes, among other, the location and development of
weather such as rainstorms, tropical cyclones, cold and warm fronts.”
Paul (2006) argue that “Remote
sensing is collection of data by detecting the energy that is reflected from
earth. Thise sensor can be on satellite or mounted on aircraft.”
According to Abdulrahaman (2010) “Remote
sensing is the collection of information relating to object without being
physical in contact with them.”
Remote sensing is the science of
obtaining information about object or areas from a distance, typically from
aircraft or satellite.
According to Cambridge Advance
learners (2002) “Weather forecasting is application of science in technology to
predict the state of atmosphere for a given location at short period of time.”
Weather forecasting is
application of current technology and science to predict the state of
atmosphere for future time and a given location.
Application of remote sensing
span a wide range of field. This includes meteorology, hydrology, oceanography,
mapping and cartography, land use planning, agriculture, fisheries, archeology
and geological study. Typical remote sensing equipments for meteorological uses
Meteorological satellite that detects
clouds and moisture in the atmosphere and weather radar that prob rain areas.
Remote sensing is applicable in weather forecasting as follows:-
To record and interpret the sun
light as reflected back from clouds and the earth surface, through sensors
which carries different information from the clouds where by thick clouds and
snow is shown in bright white color in the images. Land and sea without any
cloud cover have low albedo, hence appear in dark grey. The source of visible
light comes from the sun, visible satellite images are not available at night and
reflection from any clouds, the earth’s surface vary with solar altitudes.

Wukong Hong Kong
Source: The image was captured by GMS-5
of Japan Meteorological Agency
(8:30 a.m. Hong Kong Time) on 8 September 2000)
The infrared images radiation
recorded on the images is measure of temperature decrease with height in the
atmosphere, high clouds are colder and amounts less infrared radiation them low

Typhoon Wukong HongKong
Source: The image was captured by
GMS-5 of Japan Meteorological Agency
To record and interprete water
vapour carried by the radiations. It records radiation emitted from water
vapour, as radiation from the low clouds and the earth’s surface do not
normally reach the satellite. The intensity of the radiation received at the
sensor depends on the amount of water vapuor in the mid and upper atmosphere as
well as the temperature of the radiation source. If the upper atmosphere is
moist, radiation emitted from water vapour there will be received by the sensor
and appears in brighter shade. When the upper atmosphere is dry, radiations
originating from water vapour in the middle atmosphere will reach the
radiometers and will appear in dark shades. Therefore dark color indicates dries
air while the brighter color indicates moisture in the mid and upper
Also, it is applicable in
meteorological satellite. They are necessary used in weather forecasting and
warming services. Because of their importance, they can be used to keep track
of weather system days before they come close to an areas. These satellite are
also applicable in monitoring of tropical cyclones, thunderstorms, flooding,
observation of volcanic eruption and thunderstorms and rain system.

Dark shade
(Dry zone) Typhoon Haiyan Bright shade (moistzone)
Source: The image was captured by
GMS-5 of Japan Meteorological Agency at 11:32UTC (07:32
p.m. Hong Kong Time) on 15 October 2001.
It is applicable in weather
radars which measure rain reflectivity as well as Doppler winds. Because
weather radar have higher spatial resolution them many meteorological
satellites. They can reveal final detects on the rainfall intensity variation within
rain bands. Usually weather radar take images more frequently than meteorological
satellite. Therefore, they are ideal for monitoring rapid change in rainfall
intensity of rain areas and prove to be very useful for short range weather
forecasting and warming.
Generally, Remote sensing is an
advanced and technological methods applied weather forecasting especially
weather radar which has capability to detect winds Meteorological satellite now
days can also a estimates the winds near the sea surface from the space. This
kind of satellite is called quick scat. They carries micro waves radar to
measure the back scattered micro waves signal from the sea waves to reduce near
surface wind speed and direction under all weather and clouds condition. This
is particular useful to locating and tracking tropical cyclones on the oceans.
Abdulrahaman, K.A. (2O1O). Remote Sensing: (1st Ed). Department Applied Science University of
Technology: Iraq
Bartton, L.G. (1973). Radar Observation of the Atmosphere: The
University of Chicago Press.
Cambridge Advanced Learners.
(2002). Dictionary and Thesaurus:
Cambridge University Press.
Paul, M.W. (2006). Remote Sensing Application with Meteorological
Satellite: NOAA Satellite and
Information Service:
University of Wisconsin Madison.
Online sources;
On Weather Radar and Meteorological Satellite
on 12:32 p.m 11th Feb. 2016
on 08:48 a.m 12th Feb. 2016
on 02:30 a.m 12th Feb. 2016
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